Andrew Lloyd Beaver PA | All About Headaches
Andrew Lloyd All About Headaches: What they are, where they come from, and how to avoid them Headaches – those pesky little pains that ruin the day! From time to time, everybody has probably dealt with an annoying headache says Andrew Lloyd Beaver PA . In fact, the average person gets a headache at least once per week. But suffering isn’t mandatory. In this article, you will learn tips, tricks, and get advice on how to avoid, cure, and deal with headaches. What is a Headache? Let’s start with the science. What makes the head hurt? Essentially, discomfort from a headache occurs when blood vessels and muscles exert pressure on the surrounding nerves. This could be from swelling, tightening, or inflammation in nearby areas. The body responds by sending pain alerts to the brain, thus alerting it to a problem and creating a headache. Symptoms Andrew Lloyd Beaver PA say people who experience headaches often feel: Throbbing / pulsating pain Nausea / vomiting ...