
Showing posts from August, 2024

Andrew Lloyd (Beaver, PA) - Everything in life is a two-way street

Navigating Relationships and Responsibilities: The Two-Way Street Analogy You've probably heard the saying, "Relationships are a two-way street." The idea is simple: if someone isn’t reaching out to you, don’t feel guilty for not doing it either. They have the option to contact you if they feel like it. But does this concept hold true for everything in life? Let's explore. Is This Philosophy Universal? Consider this: if you're not doing "A," should you feel bad because of "B"? At first glance, this might seem a bit unclear, but it's worth digging deeper. For example:     If you don't exercise, you're likely to gain a little weight.     If you don't change your car's oil, your car might not run as smoothly.     If you don't budget, your bank balance might be lower than you'd like.     If you don't clean, your house might become cluttered. These examples show that actions (or the lack thereof) have consequences. So